Pristomyrmex Pungens (Japanese Queenless Ant)
Very interesting Ant species that do not have a queen.
• Humidity requirements: 40-60%
• Temperature requirements: 24-28 °C
• Hibernation: None
• Suggested housing: Wakooshi Ant Farm Modules, Acrylic, Ytong, Soil, Very adaptable
• Nutrition: Sugars from honey or sugar water. Protein from insect sources such as fruit flies
• Colony size: 1-10,000+
• Worker size: 2-3 mm
• Monogyne/polygyne: Queenless ant species
Pristomyrmex Pungens, or the Japanese Queenless Ant, is a rather easy species to keep.
Younger workers lay eggs and tend to the brood and can reproduce at a very fast rate if kept correctly. Older workers leave the nest to forage for food.
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